February 28, 2014

Alligator Adventure: Feathered Friends

Welcome Back!

This time I have some photos of the pretty birds found at the Alligator Adventure in Myrtle Beach. They include macaws, snuggling in the first photo, a bunch of my favourite shots of the swans, who were following us around the pond (we had corn) and a couple of emus. The emus are found on the trail around the whole Adventure. It's a nice walk around there as you can see other farm animals and more alligators of course!

Well, I'm sure glad this week is almost over..it's been tiring with appointments and getting up early! I don't know how I managed to do all these appointments and work before! :-)

This weekend, will find me sorting through some spring clothes to launder and pack as we leave next Friday morning! I can't wait..I'm so ready to ditch this snow!

I'll have another post early next week! Enjoy your weekend!

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