Welcome Back!
I promise this is the LAST of the moose photos. Even I'm getting tired of seeing so many! I love all the photos of the moose, it's just that the colours in all these photos are all the same---blah- brown & greens! :-)
Onto something more colourful next time! I think I will start highlighting some animals from our last visit to the Toronto Zoo. My friend Melissa and I ventured there in June.
This moose was the last moose we saw during the May long weekend and we spied him as we were driving out of the park to go home. Of course, after all the other moose we saw, I thought I might not have enough shots! ;-) I'm surprised my family was fairly supportive of all my stops along the highway over the 3 days.
Well, things have been quiet around here (which is good I guess). Just trying to keep everyone entertained until school starts! :-D
The girls and I are heading to Canada's Wonderland tomorrow...was suppose to go last week, but the weather didn't cooperate, so tomorrow's forecast is suppose to be hot (oh yeah-NOT)!
I think the girls and I will be heading to Syracuse for an overnighter to do some back-to-school shopping next week.
More shots soon!

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