Welcome Back!
This time I'm highlighting more Toronto Zoo photos...Some Mandarin Ducks and a Cattle Egret. These were found in the Indo-Malayan exhibit. I just thought I'd highlight the photos as I took them and how they appear in my files--- so you can join in our journey through the Zoo! We hope to go to the Zoo again in the Fall if any amateur photographers out there want to join us! Just let me know!
Anyway, our trip to Syracuse was good. The girlies got lots of school stuff, so I think they are good to go. Brooke is heading to the University of Waterloo, so that will take some getting used to...us being a family of three! I'm going to miss her, but very thankful and excited she has the chance to go and pursue her dream of becoming an Optometrist!
Now that I'm not working and have some time on my hands, I will hopefully update more frequently!
Thanks for stopping by!

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