Welcome Back!
Today I'm highlighting the rest of my White Lion shots. Sorry if the pose looks repetitive. It is..I just liked the photos for the facial expressions, etc.! There are three white lions, but we only managed to see two. But I think they resemble each other anyway!
Next time I shall highlight the giraffe!
Well, I can't believe it is Thanksgiving weekend already! Time sure flies! Brooke will be home tomorrow on the train. She had a late class (lab) tonight, so couldn't get a train home and I didn't relish driving home at 1-2am, but I would have! We are having two turkey dinners this weekend with the respective families. Tiring, but the food and company will be good! Driving Brooke home on Monday and then the weekend will be over! SIGH...
Enjoy your weekend and Happy Thanksgiving!

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