Welcome Back!
Can you believe 2 posts in 1 week? We decided to leave a couple of days early for our holiday, so I thought I'd try to post before we left. Tonight, I happen to be backing up photos, so while I'm waiting, I thought I'd update the blog---Exciting stuff for a Friday night, right?
Anyway, to give you all (and myself) a break from the moose photos, tonight I am highlighting some photos of a friendly red fox. I did get out of the van to take his picture, but then he came right over and with him being soooo friendly, I got back in the van and shot him from the van! I didn't want to get rabies, but he does seem really healthy, nice fur, etc...so maybe he was just hungry!
Anyway, some of these photos are not the greatest..you can tell when the flash went off..his eyes look a little alienish. (is that a word?) But it was probably going on to 9 when these were taken. I didn't have my tripod with me, which would have resulted in better shots, but by the time I'd get it set up, he would have been long gone anyway!
He didn't stick around too, too long, as we didn't feed him and again, a lot of cars were stopping to see him too!
So, tomorrow we are packing and then heading out Sunday...Hopefully get through Quebec on Sunday and stay in Edmunston or Grand Falls, NB for the night and then who knows where we'll end up after that. We check into our cottage on the 23rd, so we'll have a day or so to find something to do!
Have a great couple of weeks!

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