Welcome Back!
This week I have the last of the photos of THIS moose! I have included various head shots of this cute fellow and a couple of him leaving the scene. He actually went for a little swim as well, but the photos aren't all that flattering..they just look like he's lying down or struggling to get up, so I'll save you from them!
I was going to take a break from MORE moose shots next week, but I have too many cute ones that I want to share, so guess what's on the agenda for next week---MOOSE!
Well, this is a short work-week for me, which I'm extremely happy about. I had to teach a couple of classes this week and although they were only 1/2 day ones, I'm totally wiped out...Allergy headaches this week too..SIGH.
This week I also started an online course to learn how to use the SMART Board and actually used it during my classes this week too..So exciting, but I still have a lot to learn! So, guess what I'll be doing on my days off? :-D
Have a great week!

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