May 1, 2013


Welcome Back!

Wow, can you believe I've been at this for 5 years! My first blog post here was April 28, 2008! 

Sometimes it's tiresome, especially when I have computer and slow internet issues, but it's also very rewarding. I love photography, editing photos and updating this blog. I'd probably blog daily if I didn't have to work! :-)

Anyway, as promised (or warned :-D) I said I would highlight some photos of pelicans this week. I can't believe how many I actually take each day when I have something to shoot and the tedious part is having to go through them all! 

These shots were taken at Murrell's Inlet in Myrtle Beach. Unfortunately the SUN was shining very brightly that day so some of these photos are a bit too bright.

I do have lots more taken at Huntington Beach State Park, which I will hopefully highlight next week. I say hopefully, as I am travelling to Oneida once again on Sunday til Thursday so I'm not sure if I will be able to. Hopefully, I'll remember to bring everything I'll need!

Thanks for visiting!

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