Welcome back! Well, I survived being in Oneida for the whole week! I'm home this week.....well, until Friday, then the girls and I are heading to Ottawa for a long overdue visit to see our friends! We are home Sunday and then I head back to Oneida on Monday for 3 days! I may as well not even unpack! :-)
Today's photos are the "critters" from St. Andrews that we saw on the beach there. They were all alive and as you can see from all the hand/fingers in the shots, my family loves picking them up!
1st & 2nd-soft shell clams
3rd-sea urchin
4th-underside of the same sea urchin (I know you were wondering!)
5th- a very tiny crab who was running up and down Keturah's hand
6th-a sea star (I like how they always look like they are pointing)
7th-another sea urchin-this one attached to a big rock
Next week, I'll try to post between my trips---some scenics from Grand Manan!
Have a great week!
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