We went to Presquile Park last Sunday for their Bird Migration weekend. It was a beautiful day, so we took a picnic lunch and made a day of it...We didn't see too many birds, some ducks, geese and then we saw all these swans, who were quite far away, but, we trekked through the snow/ice to get out to this point where we could get good pics of them (there were footprints from others who went before us, or else I would not have went out there). They didn't seem bothered by us as we sat on the shore shooting them!
1st & 2nd Pics-some Mute swans checking us out
3rd Pic-a swan stretching it's wings
4th Pic-a couple of swans who were being friendly
5th Pic-a male swan chasing off another male swan for getting too close to his girl

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